If you have noticed that you are no longer receiving email invitations or reminders from Lecture Panda, please make sure that the email address that you were receiving emails from Lecture Panda matches the email address you use to log into the SMSHP website.
If you would like to change your SMSHP email address, then follow these steps:
1. Log in using your email and password credentials.
2. Click on "My Profile" in the top right corner of the page.
3. Click on the "Edit profile" button under the "My Profile" header near the top of the page.
4. Change your email address in the appropriate field to the one used for Lecture Panda.
5. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
If you are still having issues with receiving Lecture Panda emails, please contact the chair of the Communications and Website Committee (Email) who can assure that your e-mail is correct in our e-mail list.
Southeastern Michigan Society of Health Systems Pharmacists. 1946-.