1.) How do I join the organization?
Select the “JOIN US” button in the navigation bar under the organization logo. Select the membership level you would like to join (Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, Resident, or Student). Enter your email and the correct security code from the box. Fill in the application form accurately with your personal information; red asterisks denote mandatory fields. Choose "PAY ONLINE" to securely pay for your membership online or "INVOICE ME" to pay at a later date. If paying online, enter your credit card details and billing information. Select "Pay $XX.XX (USD)" to submit your membership payment. After you complete the sign up process, your email and password will be sent to your email. You may change the password after you login. When you login for the first time, the website may ask you to agree with terms of use before accessing your account.
2.) How do I pay my dues if I can’t use my credit card online?
If you are unable to pay online, you may complete the sign-up as mentioned above and select "INVOICE ME" during the payment process. A representative from the membership committee will be at each meeting to accept payments.
3.) Who should I contact if I can’t get into my membership account?
If you are unable to sign in to the website, click on the link to “Forgot password” hyperlink in the Login page. If you continue to have a problem, please contact the chair of the Communications and Website Committee (Email).
4.) How do I renew my membership?
You can renew your membership by clicking on “MY PROFILE” button in the navigation bar under the organization logo. You may elect to renew your membership or change your membership on the My Profile page. You may renew your membership for 1 year or renew with a recurring payment which will automatically deducted each year.
5.) Will I be notified when my membership needs to be renewed?
You will receive an e-mail through the SMSHP website to remind you to renew your membership.
6.) I’m a member but I’m not receiving e-mails or LecturePanda invites for the meetings. What should I do?
There are a couple of things you can check. First, login to your SMSHP account and assure that your e-mail address is accurate. You may wish to change your e-mail from a work e-mail to a private e-mail to avoid any firewalls that employers may use. Second, you may check your spam/junk/clutter folders to see if you have received emails from LecturePanda. The e-mails are sent from: noreply@lecturepanda.com. If none of these solutions work, please contact the chair of the Communications and Website Committee (Email) who can assure that your e-mail is correct in our e-mail list.
7.) If I don’t receive an email invitation or can’t find my invitation, how can I RSVP for the meeting and CE program?
Log onto the SMSHP website and click on the event under “Next Event” on the Home page. From there you should be directed to the Lecture Panda website to complete your registration. Remember to sign up no later than the Friday before the event.
8.) When does the organization meet?
SMSHP meets on the second Wednesday of September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May. We have a Technician seminar in the Spring (May).
11.) Why do I need to RSVP for each meeting?
Your RSVP allows the organization to provide the venue with an accurate count of attendees. In addition, when you RSVP through the LecturePanda e-mail, you will receive a follow-up e-mail with the information that you need to submit in order to obtain the CE credit for participating in the meeting.
13.) How do I know that I have received CE credit for a program?
You can go to your CPE Monitor on the NABP website to verify. The credit will be posted within 24 hours of the completion of your paperwork.
14.) Who do I contact if I have a question about my CE credit?
You may contact the Chair of the Continuing Education Committee (Email).
15.) How can I become involved with a committee?
SMSHP depends on its membership to run efficiently. Your active engagement on a committee is welcomed. If you would like to be on a committee please contact the President of the organization (Email) to express your interest.
16.) How can I become a member of the Board of Directors of SMSHP?
Two board members are elected each year. If you are interested, please contact the President (Email) or Past President (Email).
17.) What is the voting process for officers for SMSHP?
Ballots are compiled in September and distributed to the membership by early October. New officers and board members are inducted at the November Awards Meeting.
18.) What awards are offered by SMSHP and how can I nominate someone for an award?
Each year in November, SMSHP presents the following awards at our annual banquet: Exemplary Student (WSU/UM), Student Research, Resident of the Year, Technician of the Year, Preceptor of the Year, Pharmacist of the Year, Community Service, Committee Service, and Innovative Practice. Check the website for nomination forms each year in September! A Resident CE Award is also available for residents looking for presentation opportunities. Be on the lookout for resident CE nomination forms each year in the spring!