Dear Showcase Attendees,
Welcome to the 2020 Southeastern Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists Residency Showcase! We are excited to share our distinguished panel of speakers and programs. Over the two evenings we will have representation from over 30 residency programs and student attendees from 8 colleges of pharmacy.
Each residency program has been allocated two time slots. The first is a 7 minute time slot specifically for Residency Program Directors (or a designee) to present highlights of their program(s) to candidates. The second is a 20 minute breakout session to facilitate questions and answers among candidates and the program’s RPD or designee, a preceptor, and 1 or 2 current residents.
This year’s event is being conducted entirely virtually through Zoom. We wanted to provide a few tips to help maintain the highest level of professionalism for our presenters and attendees.
Audio - Please keep your microphone muted for the entire evening unless you are a presenter. Each meeting room is set up so all participants are muted upon entry.
Video - Only presenters may have their video on. This will help keep presentation quality high. If you are a residency program presenter please note the SMSHP host will grant you video and screen sharing capability immediately prior to your presentation.
Questions - Please reserve your questions for the breakout sessions to allow presenters the opportunity to discuss their planned presentation. Once in the breakout meeting room, please submit questions through the Q&A function. The SMSHP moderator will review questions in the breakout sessions to help facilitate responses by the residency programs.
Preparation - Please consider downloading the Zoom desktop client software prior for the best experience ( )
A meeting agenda is available in a separate posting. Each session uses unique Zoom meeting information. To access the Zoom meeting link and passcode, please open our Detailed Meeting Agenda, which will be sent in separate email to those who RSVP'd. These two online Google Sheets (one for each evening) will be used to keep the most up-to-date meeting links and information. Please reference this summary to select the Zoom meeting link and passcode for the sessions you wish to attend.
Those who RSVP'd will receive an email invitation with the Zoom meeting links and passcodes.
Thank you for your participation in this virtual event. Please feel free to contact Jillian DiClemente and Jeff Hurren with any questions.
Jillian DiClemente, PharmD Phone: 248-756-7704 (Cell) jilliandiclemente@gmail.comJeff Hurren, PharmD Phone: 248-884-9397 (Cell)
Southeastern Michigan Society of Health Systems Pharmacists. 1946-2025.